
Selecting one of the KEGG Pathways below and clicking submit will open a new window displaying a PDF file. The first page of that file is a clustered heatmap that clusters MelanomaDB's 310 tumours by their mutational status in the genes of the selected KEGG Pathway. The intersection between the tumour name (on the y-axis) and the gene name (on the x-axis) is highlighted blue if that tumour contains a mutation in that gene that affects its encoded protein's sequence.

In addition, four annotations are given for each gene:

The rest of the PDF file shows the selected KEGG Pathway for each individual tumour, with genes with mutations affecting their protein sequences highlighted in yellow. Genes that encode proteins that are targeted by an existing drug are shown with red outlines and labels.

Please note that the result files can be big. This can lead to a long wait with a slow internet connection. The tool will tell you the size of the file if it is bigger than 25 MB and will ask you to confirm the process.