
MelanomaDB is a web interface to a large database of melanoma genomic information. This database includes 69 types/sections of information, each represented as a set of genes.
For example these include: Users can identify the intersection and union between these sets of genes, and if they wish users can also include their own personal lists of genes. This allows researchers to identify, for example, which genes are negatively associated with patient survival and are also mutated or deleted in over 10% of melanomas, or which of a list of genes defined by a researcher are mutated in melanoma as well as in other tumour types and also encode drug-able proteins. Once a set of interesting genes has been defined in this way, users can then identify the molecular pathways or upstream regulatory molecules for which the gene set is enriched, by a link through to a related web tool named GeneSetDB.

Choose the gene sets you are interested in from the table below and press submit to get the union and the intersection between them. You can also paste in your own gene list. Your list will be converted to gene ids. All mandatory steps are highlighted red.

This database of melanoma-associated gene sets will be updated on a regular basis.

This database was last updated on 20 May 2013. Current version 2.0

Protein T... Trans Membrane 4530
Drug Targets DrugBank Drug ID 2068
Drug Targets Known Melanoma Drug 18
Drug Targets Therapeutics Targets Database melanoma drug targets 72
Drug Targets melanoma clinical trial drug target 314
Biomarkers Melanoma biomarkers 85
Biomarkers REMARK study melanoma biomarkers 40
Biomarkers Melanomagenesis Drivers 19
Druggability Druggability: Li and Lai 1332
Druggability Druggability: Sophic ENSEMBL list 2031
Druggability Druggability: Sophic DrugBank list 1368
Druggability Druggability: Sophic InterPro-BLAST list 2269
Druggability Druggability: Sophic BioLT-Drugbank list 3335
Druggability Druggability: Sophic's Qiagen list 6259
Druggability Druggability: Primary druggable genome v2 (DG2) 6047
Druggability DrugEBIlity: Positive tractable scores 2885
Druggability DrugEBIlity: Positive druggable scores 1548
Druggability DrugEBIlity: Positive ensemble scores 730
Protein T... Secreted: Uniprot 1479
Protein T... Secreted: Predicted by Secreted Protein Database 283
Protein T... Protein Kinase 516
Literatur... IRIDESCENT: Gene link to 'melanoma' in literature 371
Literatur... IRIDESCENT: Gene link to 'metastatic melanoma' in literature 1267
Literatur... GAMMA: Gene link to 'melanoma' in literature 2528
Survival ... Jonsson RNA Expression Survival Associations 284
Survival ... John RNA Expression Survival Associations 18
Survival ... Mandruzzato RNA Expression Survival Associations 66
Survival ... Journe RNA Expression Survival Associations 222
Survival ... Timar RNA Expression Metastasis Associations 184
Survival ... Timar RNA Expression Metastasis Associations in 3 or 4 separate stu... 17
Survival ... Bogunovic RNA Expression Survival Associations 317
Somatic M... Berger (2010) Gene Fusions 22
Somatic M... Berger (2010) read-through transcripts 24
Somatic M... Berger (2010) non-synonymous mutations 621
Somatic M... Berger (2010) 11 frequently mutated genes 11
Somatic M... Berger (2012) non-synonymous mutations 5712
Somatic M... Berger (2012) small InDels 39
Somatic M... Berger (2012) structural rearrangments 1942
Somatic M... Cancer Cell Line Encyclopedia melanoma mutations 1538
Somatic M... Catalogue Of Somatic Mutations In Cancer (COSMIC) missense mutations 618
Somatic M... Nikolaev copy number alterations 45
Somatic M... Nikolaev InDels 25
Somatic M... Nikolaev non-synonymous mutations 1710
Somatic M... Palavelli Matrix Metalloproteinase mutations 8
Somatic M... Prickett tyrosine kinase mutations 19
Somatic M... Prickett G protein-coupled receptor mutations 94
Somatic M... Prickett 11 G protein-coupled receptor genes with multiple mutations 11
Somatic M... Matched Pair Cancer Cell Lines melanoma mutations 966
Somatic M... Stark non-synonymous mutations 1724
Somatic M... Turajlic non-synonymous mutations 41
Somatic M... Turajlic structural variations 614
Somatic M... Wei 10 mutations with repeated occurance. 10
Somatic M... Wei 16 highly mutated genes 16
Somatic M... Wei 68 genes with elevated frequency of mutation. 68
Somatic M... Wei non-synonymous mutations 2239
Somatic M... Hodis genes mutated in more than 10% of their 121 tumour samples 516
Somatic M... Hodis genes mutated in more than 20% of their 121 tumour samples 79
Somatic M... Hodis recurrent somatic coding mutations 24
Somatic M... Hodis small InDels 351
Somatic M... Krauthammer genes mutated in more than 5% of their 147 tumour samples 381
Somatic M... Krauthammer genes mutated in more than 10% of their 147 tumour samples 49
Somatic M... Krauthammer InDels 274
Somatic M... Krauthammer Splice-site mutations 368
Somatic M... Mutated in 5% of total metastatic tumours 1558
Somatic M... Mutated in 10% of total metastatic tumours 245
Somatic M... Mutated in 15% of total metastatic tumours 69
Survival ... Bogunovic Cox PH Survival Associations 307
Survival ... Bogunovic Lowest 20% RNA Expression Survival Associations 167
Survival ... Bogunovic Highest 20% RNA Expression Survival Associations 297

1. Select melanoma gene set(s)
Please choose at least one gene set by selecting a box in the last column of the table.

2. Supply an user defined gene list (This step is optional)
Please paste in a gene list or select a file, using Gene IDs as gene identifiers.

2a. Gene List
Paste in a list of Gene IDs


upload gene list file of Gene IDs.

2b. Input ID type
Choose the identifier type
of your list

3*. Output ID type
Choose the identifier type
of the output.

* Point 3 is optional. Default is Gene IDs Homo sapiens


3. Submit
Submit your input.

MelanomaDB is freely available for academic purposes. Commercial users should contact us (