MelanomaDB is a web interface to a large database of melanoma genomic information.
This database includes 69 types/sections of information, each
represented as a set of genes. For example these include:
genes for which expression in melanomas is associated with patient survival
genes that have various types of mutations or copy number changes in sequenced melanomas
genes that are mutated in other tumour types
genes that encode drug-able proteins
genes for which biomarker assays are available
genes that have a relationship to melanoma biology in the literature
genes associated with many other types of information
Users can identify the intersection and union between these sets of genes, and if they
wish users can also include their own personal lists of genes. This allows researchers to
identify, for example, which genes are negatively associated with patient survival and
are also mutated or deleted in over 10% of melanomas, or which of a list of genes defined
by a researcher are mutated in melanoma as well as in other tumour types and also encode
drug-able proteins. Once a set of interesting genes has been defined in this way, users
can then identify the molecular pathways or upstream regulatory molecules for which the
gene set is enriched, by a link through to a related web tool named GeneSetDB.
Choose the gene sets you are interested in from the table below and press submit to
get the union and the intersection between them. You can also paste in your own gene
list. Your list will be converted to gene ids. All mandatory steps are highlighted red.
This database of melanoma-associated gene sets will be updated on a regular basis.
This database was last updated on 20 May 2013. Current version 2.0
1. Select melanoma gene set(s) Please choose at least one gene set by selecting a box in the last column of the table.
2. Supply an user defined gene list (This step is optional) Please paste in a gene list or select a file, using Gene IDs as gene identifiers.
2a. Gene List Paste in a list of Gene IDs
upload gene list file of Gene IDs.
2b. Input ID type Choose the identifier type of your list
3*. Output ID type Choose the identifier type of the output.
* Point 3 is optional. Default is Gene IDs Homo sapiens
3. Submit
Submit your input.
MelanomaDB is freely available for academic purposes. Commercial users should contact us (